log 5+log 2=1.00000
To find the value
Log 5 + log 2
Logarithm :
First we see decimal point is there or not after first digit from left .
If decimal point is not there then put the decimal after last digit of a numebr and zero after decimal point . Then see how much move from the right side to put the decimal point after first digit from left side
Suppose we have Log 23
In this log expression there is no decimal poin after one digit from left side
Therefore ,put decimal point after last digit
We can write log 23.0
Now , we move decimal point from right side to left after first digit of a number
Therefore , we move one step from right side to put the deciaml point after first digit from left
Then we put 1 before the decimal point in the result value
And now we see the value of 23 at 0 in log table.
Vlaue of 23 at zero is equal to 0.3617 from log table.
Then put the value of log 23=1.3617
find the value of log 5
Put decimal after 5 in log 5
Put 00 after decimal in log 5 then we can write as
log 5.00
Now , we find the value of 50 at zero in log table
Then we get 69897
Because there is no move from right side to put the decimal point after first digit from left .Hence, we put zero before the decimal on left side and then write 6987 after decimal point.
Therefore, log 5= 0.69897
Similarly , we find value of log 2 by the same method
put zero after 2 we can write as log 2.00
Now, to find the value of 20 at 0 in log table then we get 3010
Because there is move no step therefore put zero before the decimal point then put the value 30103 after decimal point.
We get log 2 = 0.30103
log 5 + log 2= 0.69897 + 0.30103=1.00000