What are volume and density? How do they relate to each other?
volume is the amount of space a substance or object occupies. Density is the quantity of mass per unit. they both can be measured.
What is matter?
anything that has mass and takes up space.
Explain in your own words how volume is measured.
For solids its cubic measurements and for liquid its gallons or liters
Think about objects that have density. Compare two types of foods by explaining which one is denser.
How is volume measured for liquids and solids?
for liquid it would be a measuring cup. and for solids it would be like a ruler and cubic units.
How do you determine the density of a substance or object?
by the volume and depending on the shape of an object.
When an object has a definite shape, how is it measured? Give an example of an object and the tool you would use to measure it.
An example is a can and its volume can be measured by a ruler.
What is a cylinder? Give an example of an object that’s a cylinder.
three dimensional object with flat circular bases on top to bottom.
What is height? Give an example.
the vertical distance from top to bottom that creates a 90 degree angle with a base. an example is the height of a person.
What is radius? When might you need to measure an object’s radius?
the distance from the center to the edge of a circle. when your trying to find a volume of an object.
When might a technique called water displacement be used?
to measure the volume of an indefinite shape.
What is the relationship between mass, volume, and density?
all are measured through simple calculation.
Step-by-step explanation: