There are two lines in Tim O'Brien's excerpt. First, In a way, it seemed, he was part of the morning fog, or my own imagination, but there was also the reality of what was happening in my stomach. This line depicts that what he imagined is not only up to his head, but it is real to the point that his imagination evokes a reaction to his stomach. Second, I tried to swallow whatever was rising from my stomach, which tasted like lemonade, something fruity and sour. He feels nauseous as his mind filled with images of what he experienced. For John Steinbeck's excerpt, the line would be In all kinds of combat the whole body is battered by emotion. The ductless glands pour their fluids into the system to make it able to stand up to the great demand on it. He describes his body's physical reaction to his emotional distress. How he was physically affected by his strong emotions.