So first of all, what does it mean to contrast? It means to find the differences. We have to find out the differences between Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening and The Road Not Taken.
- Stopping By Woods -
- Stops his horse to take a look at the snow filled forest
- The horse doesn't understand what he's doing
- He has a long journey to go before he lays down to sleep
- The Road Not Taken -
- 2 roads diverged, and the man took the one that had not been taken a lot, if at all
- He doubts if he should ever come back
- He's thinking about taking the lesser walken path
- He made a difference by taking the path that has not been taken much
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening is talking about enjoying the little things. He's stopping in a snowy forest to think about the journey he has, instead of rushing through it.
The road not taken talks about making a difference. Go through life being the one that doesn't follow the crowd. Take the road not taken and make a difference.
Good luck,