The answer that im sure most of us would veer to is; Yes, because he took it for his tooth, not his hip. However, is that abusing it? Or is it simply taking the right dosage for the wrong reason. However he didn't overuse it, or take it to feel high. Although this might be considered misuse, It isn't technically abuse. Misuse is defined as, when a person takes a legal prescription medication for a purpose other than the reason it was prescribed, or when that person takes a drug not prescribed to him or her, that is misuse of a drug. (source FDA.gov) Abuse is when the person hopes to get a bigger or faster therapeutic response from medications such as sleeping or weight loss pills. It can also happen when the person wants to “get high,” which is an example of prescription drug abuse. (source FDA.gov)
So therefore the answer would more likely be; No, because he followed the doasage instructions.
All of this is assuming he didnt take another pain pill for his leg as well as his tooth, in which case it would be more than the dosage, which would make the answer, Yes because he used it for his tooth not his hip.
Hope this helps!