You should do this yourself but here was my answer from plato/edmentum
Step-by-step explanation:
The God/Goddess that I would be most interested in reading about is Artemis Goddess of the hunt. I chose her because she is the goddess of the moon and i love the moon and stars, and I admire her.
For researching a Goddess or God, I chose Artemis Goddess of the hunt, I chose her because I admire her and she is the goddess of the moon. Like all the Greek Olympic gods, Artemis was immortal and very powerful. Her special powers included perfect aim with the bow and arrow, the ability to turn herself and others into animals, healing, disease, and control of nature. Artemis was the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation and of chastity and childbirth. Artemis was described as an eternally young woman, beautiful and vigorous, wearing a short costume that leaves her legs free. Artemis' symbol was Her bow, which she uses to hunt, and her hounds. She often wears the lunar crescent on her brow.