b) suffered a long history of discrimination and mistreatment
Step-by-step explanation:
Immediately after the destruction of the Second Temple of Jerusalem and the loss of the Jewish territorial space as an independent country in 70 CE, there was a great dispersion of the Jews throughout the world, which is known as the Diaspora. During almost 2000 years, the great majority of the Jews resided in lands of other towns, where in some way or another managed to preserve its religion and collective identity (Am Israel). Welcomed as historically the first monotheists on both Christian and Muslim lands, the Jews adapted to new contexts, but found themselves generally located on the margins of non-Jewish societies. They knew tolerance and exchange, but also anti-Judaism. In spite of this, they often enjoyed a certain autonomy as a minority group, particularly in the religious-legal sphere and their internal organization as a Jewish community (קהילה יהודית). Significantly, already in Christian or Muslim lands, the life of the Jews was always closely linked to their own religion and collective identity. With the advent of the eighteenth-century revolutions, especially the French Revolution in 1789, and the subsequent nineteenth-century emergence of European nationalisms, the Emancipation of the Jews and anti-Semitism, the socio-political status of the Jews - or Jewishness - became an issue debated in the West and, although there was not yet an independent Jewish country, the notion of the Jews in terms of people little by little was giving rise to the idea of a nation, by then stateless.