“About ten a clocke we came into a deepe Valley, full of brush, wood-gaile, and long grasse, through which wee found little paths or tracts, and there we saw a Deere, and found Springs of fresh Water, of which we were hartily glad, and sat us downe and drunke our first New England Water, with as much delight as ever we drunke drinke in all our lives. . . . On Munday we found a very good Harbour for our shipping, we marched also into the Land, and found divers corne Fields and little running Brookes, a place verie good for [our situation], so we returned to our Ship againe with good newes to the rest of our people, which did much comfort their hearts.” —William Bradford, as quoted in Eyewitness to History What did the Pilgrims find? a. a suitable place in which to start their new lives b. a place where they could establish a hunting ground c. a place that would never be able to meet their needs d. a place where they would be in constant conflict and ne