You should be able to figure most of this out from a brief description, so that's what I'll give you: law is written regulations to keep order in society. It can determine the sentence that a criminal could get without considering "justice," which is more of an obscure and subjective concept (subject to different viewpoints). For instance, plea bargaining pertains to the law in which criminals admit their guilt in having committed a crime to ideally lessen their penal sentences. This contradicts justice, however, which would have the criminal locked up forever if say, having committed a serious crime like murder. Morals and ethics can be at odds with the law in these ways, and a lawyer may have to utilize laws that may not coincide with his or her personal views or sense of ethics (what is right and wrong). That is the basis behind what you could write. I think it is somewhat a good thing, as law and morals somewhat balance each other out. I do not believe that all laws have a moral foundation, however, so you can also write about how the law and morals/ethnics have a negative correlation as well if you so choose.