A sedentary lifestyle has a lot of precedents in the past years. Most prominent reasons are as follows:
1. Convenience
Nowadays, everything is accessible at the touch of your fingertips. Development in Food production led to the prevalence of "convenience store food" and "fast food" which is so much cheaper and accessible not to mention hassle-free to have. Convenience made everything a lot easier and people just don't want to spare some extra minutes to put an effort into making something.
2. Modern technology
We must admit that modern technology has helped us a lot in so many ways. It also led us to rely on it for most things to get done. For example, instead of walking to the mall to pay bills or shop, we just pay bills online or through our smartphones. We shop online instead of walking around in a mall. It has become a habit to rely on modern technology for everyday tasks that it led us to a sedentary lifestyle. We have exchanged doing daily physical activities because we are entertained by our modern technology.
3. Social Media
Social Media is phenomenal. It changed a big aspect of how we interact with each other. It also led people to lean into chatting online than having a personal face to face conversation. People have developed a preference for social media connection because it made them feel more relevant and more fruitful. Having more likes on their wall post makes them feel more relevant. Thus, staying indoors couched with your phone has been a great reason to live sedentarily.