Ethics prevents science from going beyond the limits of what is right and provides for the growth of the human being.
Step-by-step explanation:
The science that characterizes modern societies can and should be analyzed from its various angles. From a more classical approach to epistemology to a more recent look at cultural studies, studies on scientific activity multiply.
Not long ago scientific experiments were done without any moral criteria and without even being questioned. The consequence of this is that much scientific research has brought about various problems from both the individual and social point of view. Some classic cases involve, for example, research with cloning, stem cells, the possibility of genetic manipulation of life and even lasting preservation of life under artificial conditions, or even intervention in fetuses (abortion), evidence the expansion of our scientific power. -technological. Power that inscribes us, immediately, in this ethical horizon, where it allows us to ask ourselves what we can do and what we should do.
Based on this, ethics has shaped scientific research, ensuring that advances respect a fine line between new discoveries and the physical, moral and ethical well-being and preservation of individuals who will be directly affected by research.