There are certain particles or packets or energy which are generated each time there is some imbalance inside the atomic structure of an atom. As there are a unique number or electrons and protons inside the atoms which however remains the same until some sort of effects or force tends them to dislocate from there position of equilibrium.
- That is how when an external source is there for an atom (having the characteristics of radiation), there is a net change of the neutral particles into the positrons which tends the whole system inside the atom to attain a balance state. Because it is not possible for an atom to have an unequal number of positrons and electrons on it.
- And, this effect of conversion inside the atomic structure tends the electrons in the outer shells to move far from the nucleus and at last they are made free while have a net speed they can easily penetrate through a number of mediums.
- So, we can just say that the Beta particles is another term used for the detached number of electrons from the nucleus which travels in a more specific path or route, as each atom or molecule requires a level of electronic stability on it. So, it has net -1 charge on it, while being an electron with a high level of velocity and energy its mass, m becomes zero in total.
- While, the transmission of such detached electrons from a given nucleus is termed as the release of electromagnetic energy inside a given space or medium.