The speech has a semiformal tone. It includes charged words to motivate listeners and casual terms such as folks to address them. The speech is also broadcast over television. It narrates, predicts, or retells some of the events the audience witnesses.
Viewers at a sports event
The speech uses a casual tone and simple words. The speaker adds a few personal jokes and snide remarks about some of the audience members. The speech is conducted in a small area without any audio equipment.
Family and close friends
The speech has a formal tone. It includes terms such as we and us to refer to the audience. It is broadcasted over television and radio. The speaker talks about being proud of the recent achievements of the country.
Citizens of a nation
The speech has a formal tone and simple sentence constructions. The speaker deliberately avoids any words that may be unknown to the audience. The speech talks about how to plan for a career.
Students at a school