lip herpes
Step-by-step explanation:
Caused by a virus, herpes simplex 1 (HSV), cold sores is a recurrent infection that starts with a tingling in the lips and an itch until the blisters finally hatch. Finally, they turn into wounds.
It is estimated that about 90% of the world's population has herpes virus lodged in the body. But only 10 to 15% manifest the symptoms. Why? Gaps in immunity.
The transmission is made by droplets of saliva, kiss, contaminated objects brought to the mouth and so on. It is therefore quite common for the first contact with HSV to occur in childhood. The enemy invades the body, travels through the mucosa of the mouth and settles in nerve endings, especially in the ganglia. He usually hangs around without bothering him. The attack happens when an individual's defenses are weakened - due to stress, too much sun exposure or when the body is weakened by flu and cold, for example.