A. political gain
Step-by-step explanation:
William Randolph Hearst was a journalist, editor, publicist, businessman, investor, politician and media mogul of the American press and media, who emerged as one of the most powerful personalities in the political and business scene in that country.
Hearst consolidated one of the largest business empires in history, reaching in its epitome a total of 28 newspapers of national circulation, including Los Angeles Examiner, The Boston American, The Atlanta Georgian, The Chicago Examiner, The Detroit Times, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Washington Times, The Washington Herald and its main newspaper The San Francisco Examiner, besides diversifying with the possession of publishing companies, companies and radio stations, as well as magazines, such is the case of Cosmopolitan, Town and Country and Harper's Bazaar, among many others.
Widely known for using the media as authentic political instruments, in addition to being the most famous of the promoters of the yellow press, he used scandals and media manipulation to get his commercial and political interests to benefit. most notable cases were his intervention so that the Spanish-American War would take place and his newspapers would be those that obtained the first fruits, as well as the campaign he carried out against the Mexican Revolution, first to maintain the regime of Porfirio Díaz and then that of Victoriano Huerta , due to the immense amount of properties and haciendas of their property in Mexican territory, which would have been at risk with the revolution.