Answer: slower larger
A complete sleep cycle lasts between 90 and 110 minutes where your body passes through stages 1, 2 3, 4, and REM where there is "rapid eye movement". Stages 1, 3, and 4 together account for r 30% of your sleeping hours, 20% REM and Stage 2 (50%).
As we move from stage 1 sleep to stage 4 sleep, the brain emits successively slower larger waves.
Stage 1 consists of very light sleep. In this stage, your brain emits alpha waves (whose frequency ranges from 8 to 13 hertz) to theta waves (4–7 Hz). The theta waves are slower and greater in amplitude (up-and-down movement).
In Stage 4, the brain emits almost all delta waves which are the slowest and highest amplitude brain waves.