Completing the Square in Alg 2 a year ago
Step-by-step explanation:
I asked the smartest person in the class how to do it and asked as many people until I finally understood. It took me 10 minutes to understand, which was the longest I had to spend understanding something. It sounds short, but if you actually think about me sitting there for an entire 10 minutes trying to understand that, would be a silly scenery. But luckily I knew that I wasn't done yet. I then immediately got up and taught as many others as I can who still didn't understand. Teaching ohers is so effective because
1) you retain 90 percent of what you teach (you only remember about 20 percent of what you just input into your head
2) it fully exposes the parts that you're unsure of, making it super clear where you still don't understand. This is because you need to understand the whole concept thorough and crystal-clear, to teach someone else.
If you're still struggling, WALK!!! I can't stress how many times this helped me understand something. Before I took this habit, I would just sit there and think as hard as I can to try to understand something, but when I started walking, it took me no more than 5 minutes to understnad even the hardest concepts. (you probably can't do this at school, but when you're on your own)