2 votes
Question 1

"[T]he great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department, the necessary constitutional means, and personal motives, to resist encroachments of the others. The provision for defence must in this, as in all other cases, be made commensurate to the danger of attack. Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man, must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place."

—"Publius" (James Madison), from Federalist No. 51, February 6, 1788

"This hypothesis [checks and balances in federal government] supposes human wisdom competent to the task of instituting three co-equal orders in government, and a corresponding weight in the community to enable them respectively to exercise their several parts, and whose views and interests should be so distinct as to prevent a coalition of any two of them for the destruction of the third. Mr. Adams ... has not been able to adduce a single instance of such a government ... If such an organization of power were practicable, how long would it continue? Not a day—for there is so great a disparity in the talents, wisdom and industry of mankind, that the scale would presently preponderate to one or the other body, and with every accession of power the means of further increase would be greatly extended."

—"Centinel," from Centinel I, published October 5, 1787

Use the documents for a, b, and c.

What was the point of view about limiting federal power expressed by the first text excerpt?

What was the point of view about limiting federal power expressed by the second text excerpt?

Explain another event or idea from the period 1750-1800 that could be used to support or refute the views expressed in the documents.

Question 2

(Image attached below)

Using the documents, answer a, b, and c.

What is one event or development from the period 1850-1930 that could be used to explain the data shown in the chart?

What is another event or development from the period 1850-1930 that could be used to explain the data shown in the chart?

What is the significance of the data shown in the chart to developments in U.S. society about 1850 through 1930?

Question 1 "[T]he great security against a gradual concentration of the several-example-1
User Normanius
6.9k points

1 Answer

5 votes
1. We can say that the first excerpt here is from the point of view of a Federalists who supported the ratification of the Constitution and the establishment of a stronger federal government. Publius was a pseudonym used be Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay which they used to write Federalist Papers whose main purpose was the to educate the public and gain support for the ratification of the Constitution. One of the main issues they address here is to reassure the people that with the checks and balances their freedom would be protected and the federal officials would work in their best interest.

2. The second excerpt here we can is from the point of view of an anti-federalists who opposed the ratification of the Constitution. Centinel was a pseudonym of Samuel Bryan who opposed the ratification of the Constitution as he and his compatriots believed that a strong federal government would lead to a loss of freedom and the tyranny of the government.

3. Shay's Rebellion is an excellent example that would support the the view of the Federalists and the need for a stronger federal government. Shay's Rebellion showed that the government outlined in the Articles of Confederation was ineffective as it could not put down the Rebellion as it lacked the authority to do so. So the need for a stronger federal government that could maintain peace and order was justified.

4. I will start with the most significant event related to the African Americans in this period and that is the American Civil War (1861-1865). Before that most of the African American population were slaves and most of them were in the South as their economy depended on them. After the War and the gaining of freedom, the number of them left the south and that could explain the rise in population in other areas. But the overall decline in population by 1930s can be explained again by the ending of the slave trade.

5. The other development that could explain these numbers is the passage of the Jim Crow laws in some states that were aimed at keeping the African Americans in subordinate position in relation to the Whites. Again South was leading in this kind of laws and it is no surprise that the number declined most dramatically.

6. The importance of the time period is that it encompass the time from the beginning of African American's battle for freedom and against slavery, and the beginning of their ultimate battle against the discrimination. In 1850's the battle for freedom was brewing and in 1930s the battle against the Jim Crow laws and for the eventual passage of the Equal Rights began.

User Digiliooo
7.0k points