Social worker can be described as the professional who analyzes, elaborates, coordinates and executes plans, programs and projects to enable the rights of the population and their access to social policies, such as health, education, social security, housing, social and cultural assistance.
Step-by-step explanation:
Any and all projects designed for society are handled by a social worker. Assistants analyze the living conditions of the population and guide people or groups on how to have information, access rights and services to meet their social needs. They also prepare reports, opinions and social studies and conduct evaluations, analyzing documents and technical studies and collecting data and research.
The workforce of the social worker is wide, as it works to defend the rights of women, working class, the elderly, children and adolescents, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transvestites and transgender people (LGBTQ), black and black, indigenous peoples, non-governmental organizations, public and private universities and technical institutes.