Please answer the following questions from the short story “Tokyo.” How does the war affect Ryo’s relationship with her husband? What happens to him? How does Ryo survive? Why does Ryo end up in Tokyo, instead of staying in the country? Does she make the right choice going to Tokyo? (4 points) 23. How does Ryo survive? Why does Ryo end up in Tokyo, instead of staying in the country? Does she make the right choice going to Tokyo? (4 points)
24. In the short story, "The Tall Woman and Her Short Husband," what do you think the author is trying to say about being "normal"? Furthermore, who or what do you think is the villain in this story and why? (4 points)
25. How does the professor in “Saboteur” take revenge on what happened to him? Who is affected by his revenge, as stated at the end of the story? Explain whether or not he took the revenge too far and why. What could he have done instead? (16 points)
***You only need to write 10 sentences for this response! You are getting a 6pt bonus by answering the modified question above. (worth 16 points, only have to write 10pts