aprender- to learn
estudiar- to study
jugar- to play
cantar- to sing
ir- to go
escribir- to write
fallar- to fail
tocar- to touch/play (used when talking about playing instruments)
caminar- to walk
comprender- to understand
esperar- to wait for/ hope
regresar- to return
sacar- to take out/ remove
buscar- to look for
hacer- to do/make
practicar- to practice
tener- to have
dibujar- to draw
estar- to be
leer- to read
tomar- to take or to drink
compartir- to share
entregar- to turn in/ submit
llegar- to arrive/ come
repasar- to check
conjugation for -ar verbs:
o= yo
as= tú
a= ella/él, usted
Amos= nosotros
áis= vosotros
an= ellos/ellas, ustedes
er verbs are the same just make the a an e
ir is an irregular verb:
if you need more help there are good websites online like Word Reference Dictionary (don't use Google translate)
¡Buena suerte!