I would feel violated as the influence of the United State would have taken over the nationality of ours. Having great impact on political aspects would mean that the nation of ours would no longer be able to be governed by ourselves,which could possibly then rip away the civilians own impact on politics, such as their opinions on different policies would not be as greatly considered.
On economic aspects, the trade of the own nation could be affected due to the in flow of US products, it could threaten the business of local brands and cause them to shut down due to the lack of competitiveness comparing to the larger brand of US.
On a positive side,being governed by a stronger nation would mean that there would be an economic growth as US is economically powerful. It may bring job oppurtunities to the local, getting a better life. Life quality could improve as well, as there would be improvement in technological use,which could be inprove the entertainment, convenience of people. Also the life span could possibly increase due to the improvement on medications.
It could also make me feel secured as US is militarily powerful,which means that the nation could be free from other invasion threats under US protection.
I am not very good at this but I hope it helps and good luck! :)