Correct option/s :
All plants are multicellular.
All plants are eukaryotic.
All plants are autotrophic.
Not all plants are vascular, for example mosses. They don't have specialized system for transport of water and solutes. Therefore, Option 1 is false.
Only bacteria, protista and yeast are unicellular. Rest all the organisms are multicellular. Thus option 2 is true.
Only bacteria are prokaryotic, rest all organisms are eukaryotic, including all the plants. Option 3 is true.
Plants are the only organisms which are autotrophic. Although apart from this mode of nutrition, plants can be parasitic or carnivorous as well. But primarily they all are autotrophic. Option 4 is true
Not all plants need sunlight, some get energy from the chemical substances from their surroundings. Option 5 is False.
Plants reproduce by sexual as well as asexual means. Not all plants reproduce sexually. Option 6 is false.