How to find denominator:
Since the expressions do not share the same denominator, we must find the common denominator. To do that, you must multiply (x+2)(x-3). That gives us x^2-x-6. So, x^2-x-6 is the denominatar.
How to find numerator:
Because we multiplied x+2 by x-3 we must multiply the numerator of that expression by x-3. Which gives us 2x^2-6. To add on, Because we multiplied x-3 by x+2 we must multiply the numerator of that expression by x+2 as well. Which gives us x^2+2x. We add 2x^2-6x and x^2+2x to get the simplified numerator, 3x^2-4x.
I Hope this helped. ~_~