1. A) to remove President Porfirio Diaz from power
Porfirio Diaz gained his position after leading Mexico in their battle against the French empire who wanted to obtained control in Mexican territory.
Over the time of his presidency, Porfirio Diaz accumulated many bad reputation. This include things such as Civil repression and political stagnation. Because of this, the regeneration group tried to take the power from him.
2. C) He used the election to persecute democracy reformer, Michelle Bachelet.
Pinochet saw Michelle Bachelet as a threat to his dictator rule. Because of this, he used the elected to accused Bachelet of Crimes that she never done and presecute her.
But, Bachelet still have overwhelming support from large number of people who saw right through Pinochet's plan. Eventually, Michelle Bachelet got elected as the President of Chile.
3. A) Both gained constitutional governments without violent wars.
Independence movements in puerto rico and jamaica focused on acquiring support from the locals and improve their awareness regarding how important it is to form a Constitution that became a basis for the future laws that shall be implemented in their society. They acquire their goals without using military rebellion, and manage to maintain peaceful order in their society until today.