Wherever Europeans have gone, they have brought the word of the Gospel, Economic prosperity, political freedom and an advanced way of life. We have been able to educated wild and barbarians of Africa and India and there is no indication of why we cannot replicate the success in a country like China.
They do not have any democratic government, the worship false gods, they need a savior and they need our help to improve the condition of the poor and needy.
2. Against:
To define people of India, Africa or China as barbarians is not just ignorant but stupid at best. These are ancient civilizations, with traditions, cultures and religions pre-dating thousands of years of European history.
These are sophisticated people who do not want and would not welcome an alien people, religion and way of life in to their proud countries.
We have already plundered countries all over the world, have we learned nothing? Locals despise our presence and only tolerate us. If the money to keep the local government officials run out, we experience uprisings.
Why complicate our Empire's further? Why not develop friendly relations and end the continuous wars and killings?
it is becuase i say so