1. Right answer:
las actualidades
Las actualidades translates into the news and is a television or radio broadcast that gives you information about recent events. So la radio emitió las actualidades a las tres de la tarde means that the radio did broadcast the news at three in the afternoon. It is important to say that actualidades is a feminine plural noun, so the matching definite article is las
2. Right answer:
el diario
El diario translates into the newspaper and is a set of large printed sheets of folded paper containing news, articles and other information that is published every day or every week, which is also called diario local (local newspaper). Diario is a masculine singular noun, so the matching definite article is el. Finally:
El diario local no incluyó el artículo sobre la huelga.
3. Right answer:
los ciudadanos
Los ciudadanos translates into the citizens and these are people who have the right to live permanently in a particular country. In this way, those people live in a particular town. Here the word ciudadanos is a masculine plural noun. Therefore, the matching definite article is los. Finally:
Los ciudadanos votarán por el mejor candidato en estas elecciones
4. Right answer:
Las inundaciones
Las inundaciones translates into floods and is a large amount of water that covers an are that was dry before. These floods can destroy houses, buildings, cars, etc. In this case, inundaciones is a feminine plural noun. Therefore, the matching definite article is las. Finally:
Los soldados rescataron a muchos ciudadanos afectados por la inundación
5. Right answer:
los desastres naturales
Los desastres naturales translates into natural disasters and something very bad that happens and causes a lot of damage or kills a lot of people. We can mention some natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, hurricane, tornado, etc. Since desastres is a masculine plural noun, the matching definite article is los
Los desastres naturales causan muchas víctimas cada año
6. Right answer:
el noticiero
El noticiero translates into the news and expanding the previous concept these are newly received or noteworthy information, especially about recent or important events. Noticiero is a masculine singular noun. Therefore, the matching definite article is el. Finally:
El noticiero anunció que habrá huelga general mañana