A marketing program is a coordinated and well-designed set of activities to achieve marketing objectives(frederick ,2005).
"A marketing program is a coordinated and well-designed set of activities to achieve marketing objectives" (frederick ,2005,pg 18-28)
Step-by-step explanation:
Quotation is implemented using the same words as the writer, and it is usually enclosed in quotation marks whereas citation utilizes different terminology or words to illustrate or support the idea of the cited writer.
General Guidelines for citation and quotation
In-text references should appear immediately after the title, sentence, or phrase to which they are relevant directly relevant to, instead of being placed at the end of long clauses or sentences.
Some examples of in-text citation:
1. Author's name and year of pulication in parentheses:
One survey found that malnutrition is the major cause of dijestive diseases(Peter & Valencia, 1965).
2.Author's name as part of the cited text:
Peter ad Valencia (1965) found that malnutrition is the major cause of dijestive diseases.
3. A union/association as author:
First citation: (United Nation [UN], 2002)
Subsequent citation: (UN, 2002)
Multiple works:
Research shows that average Americans are law abiding (Peter & Valencia, 1972; Sader Wood, 2007).
Direct quote: (include page number and insert quotation marks at the beginning and end of direct quotes)
One study found that “average Americans are law abiding” (Peter & Valencia, 1972, p. 85).
Peter and Valencia (1972) found that “average Americans are law abiding” (p. 85).
Direct quotations of more than 40 words, must be displayed as an indented block of text with no quotation marks and should include in parentheses, the authors’ names, year, and page number where the quoted text can be found at the end of the quote. For example:
The language and history of the Ninth Amendment reveal that the Framers of the Constitution believed that there are additional fundamental rights, protected from governmental infringement, which exist alongside those fundamental rights specifically mentioned in the first eight constitutional amendments. (Arthur Goldberg, 2007, p. 77)