Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. He questioned the religious authority of the Pope. Martin Luther -a Protestant Reformer whose ideas considered to share the Bible with all the people- wrote "95 Theses". In the text, Luther critiqued the Catholic Church and its corruption selling indulgences. He though the Bible has the utmost importance in doctrine
John Wycliffe translated the Bible into English so everyone could understand it. He was an English reformer and theologian at Oxford University, who considered that the teachings of the Catholic Church were different to what originally was written in the Bible.
Desiderius Erasmus translated the New Testament into Greek. He was a Dutch humanist and a great thinker of Renaissance times. He was the first editor of the New Testament .
Jan Hus translated the Wycliffe's works into Czech. He was a theologian, philosopher, and a church's reformer. He continued Wycliffe’s concepts on why people should read the Bible in their own language. In 1415, he was burned at the stak.