They were expected to comply with the ideals set by the society and, as a result, opportunities were very limited to them and their importance in the society were abbreviated. They had no legal identity apart from their husbands’, so the biological role of women, ‘to give birth to and take care of offspring’, was considered to be the main and only job of women. This was expected of them. They were not allowed to do labor-intensive work, as they were considered to be physically weaker than the men. While men were exposed to diverse career opportunities, women’s career opportunities were restricted to jobs related to the home. They were also expected of running the household, while the men were off working. They undertook domestic work and childcare themselves. They were also to have cooked dinner, clean their home, and run daily errands all the time. At times, women were not allowed to go outside the house for any reason unless it was approved by their husbands. They were denied any significant social and economic statuses as womens’.