1. obtaining goods by false pretenses is a form of theft that involves: TRICKERY
In Trickery, the victim would give the goods/services to the perpetrator themselves without being coerced. This type of property crimes usually require a high level of intelligence and understanding of the victim's overall behaviour to be pulled off.
2. If you know that a friend has given you stolen goods, you will be guilty of RECEIVING stolen goods.
Compared to any form of property crimes, receiving stolen goods have significantly lower punishment because you could always use not knowing that you bought a stolen property as a defense. In most cases, this would only resulted in small misdemeanor.
3. the wilful burning of a building is the crime of ARSON
Arson could be done to either intentionally damage the property or to obtain a sense of excitement in the act.
Compared to other property crimes, Arson has the highest years of punishment (25 years) since it could be extremely dangerous for human life