The pushed and pull of tectonic forces would be decreased.
Step-by-step explanation:
Plate tectonics is defined as the movement of the rigid plates around the Earth's surface. The lithosphere which is an outer portion of the planet, which contains the upper mantle and both the continental and oceanic crust, is a thick rigid portion because it is relatively cold.
. It is with the help of the mantle’s convective motions that the lithosphere is broken into plates and move them around the surface of the planet.
These plates may tends to move away from each other or as well collide with each other. The ocean basin process is formed .
Movement of tectonic forces hugely affects the composition of the the gases and other substance of atmosphere, whenever CO2 is recycled out from the mantle through the volcanoes. It is the influence of the tectonic plate movements that cause volcanoes and earthquakes.