1. List of three externalized costs associated with food production and consumption:
a. Social labor costs
b. Public health costs
c. Ecological and environmental costs
2. The third parties likely to pay for each cost:
a. Workers
b. Employers
c. Taxpayers
3. The cost which concerns me most is:
c. Ecological and environmental costs
Step-by-step explanation:
An external cost occurs refers to the cost (negative effect) upon a third party. These external costs in consuming goods and services are known as negative externalities. They represent the social costs borne by society instead of by the direct consumers of goods or services. For example, when a motorist purchases gasoline at the station, she pays for the fuel. But there is a cost associated with the consumption of fuel which affects society. The cost is not borne by the motorist directly but by third parties, who did not elect to use the gasoline.