My ideas are the following:
1. Maintain clean cardboard and paper discards to be subsequently recycled
2. Reforest the degraded areas using native species with rapid generation times to be subsequently reutilized
Step-by-step explanation:
In the home it is possible to sort waste materials, including cardboard and paper. These waste products are made of 100 % recyclable materials but only when they are clean. For efficient recycling purposes, it is therefore necessary to maintain clean both materials (for example, by removing plastics or other materials attached to cardboard and paper). Moreover, reforestation can be a sustainable and cost-effective method for protecting native trees in developing countries. In these countries, economic issues may hamper the adoption of reforestation techniques, thereby new areas may be deforested to obtain more fuelwood. To solve this problem, it is possible to reforest vast areas by using native trees that exhibit rapid generation times, which may then be used as an alternative source of sustained raw material.