The question is:
If you where in Asunción, what things you would see there?
1) Calles sin nombre (Streets with no name )
The streets there have names, so this option is discarded.
2) Centros comerciales (Shopping centers)
In every city con can see them, so this option is correct.
3) Museos (Museums )
There are a few museums in asuncion, so this option is correct.
4) Arquitectura Española (Spanish arquitecture )
In most latinoamerican big citys you will see some Spanish remanecense in the arquitecture, so this option is correct.
5) El rio Paraguay. ( The river Paraguay)
The river surrounds the city, so you may see it if you go outside, this can be correct.
6) cosechas en el centro de la ciudad (crops in the city center )
You can see parks, but not more than that, so this is incorrect.