Correct answer choices are:
The federal government was not given the power to regulate trade
The federal government needed approval of the states to collect taxes
The state and national currencies competed with each other
Step-by-step explanation:
A panic of central government restrained the formulation of such a control, and broadly experienced political theory believed that a self-government could not sufficiently assist a huge country such as the United States. The representatives of a vast republic would be incompetent to settle in touch with the people they impersonated, and the republic would surely decline into a oppression. To several Americans, their union looked to be solely an alliance of confederated states, and their Congress a strategic association, serving thirteen independent republics.
As the midpoint of the Revolutionary War, Washington had proposed amending the Articles of Confederation. Especially, he recognized the rules of the national government had to be established so it could raise revenues and improve trade. The Articles did not support Congress to tax. It was up to the states when they needed to supply funds to the central administration. As a consequence, Congress had to obtain funds to finance the war. The federal mortgage skyrocketed, ending in a crippling rise and inflation. Paper currency was useless.