P2P file sharing is the distribution of digital content like books and multimedia through a direct connection between nodes over the P2P network. Examples of P2P protocols used by several programs includes but not limited to, Area (Warez P2P, Ares Galaxy), BitTorrent, FastTrack (iMesh, Kazaa) and eDonkey.
P2P file sharing programs and applications have grown to tremendous levels with so many networks having very many users to share music files, software, and videos. Two of the most popular P2P file sharing applications includes Bittorrent and Bitcoin. Others include Limeware, Shareaza and many more.
Bittorrent is attributed to producing the most p2p traffic on the internet today. It is one of the best, safest and widely used P2P applications. It presents a special case. It is quite favored since the last decade and it relies on central servers called trackers to coordinate users. It does this by coordinating users and these users are called a torrent.