The experimental probability -->

The theoretical probability -->

Key skills needed: Experimental vs theoretical probability, Fractions
1) The first thing you need to understand is experimental probability vs theoretical probability. (Do not include this in your work!!)
- Theoretical probability is based on simple reasoning
- Experimental probability is based on the results a person gets (so the experiment you did by flipping the coin)
2) Now with this, let's start solving:
- Experimental probability --->
--> You flipped the coin a total of 100 times, so the denominator would be 100. 65 of those would be heads so 65 is our numerator. - So our experimental probability is -->
--> Both have the factor of 5, so take the factor of 5 out of the numerator and denominator and you will get -->
- Now onto theoretical probability -->
--> There are 2 faces of a coin, 1 side is heads, and 1 side is tails --> The total number of faces is 2, so 2 is our denominator. There is only 1 side that is heads, so 1 is the numerator. This means --> Our theoretical probability is
Hope you understood and have a nice day!! :D