Different memory parts is used to provide an analogy of the computer system. In keyboard, we give new new information, we store the information in a hard drive and we retrieve information from the monitor.
Step-by-step explanation:
The Encoding: keyboard- encoding: we write something on a piece of a paper and then place it into a manila file folder.
Example: let a poem about Santa Claus
The Storage: Next CPU-Label of the folder and then put it into the file cabinets in the hanging file folder which is labeled with subject
Example: Label folder Santa Clause and put it into the present hanging file folder that is labeled "the Mythical winter figures"
The Retrieval: Now monitor-Open file cabinet, then flip to an appropriate hanging file, and then go to the specific file folder to get access to the paper.
Example: Flip to the "mythical winter figures" and then browse through the files until we locate the "Santa Claus," pull it out to read the poem. Then define and also give an example of the parallel processing.