In 1868 there was an event in Japan called the Meiji restoration that gave power to the emperor Meiji. The objectives of this restored rule were explained in the Charter Oath. They were progressive laws that wanted to open Japan to trade and modernization. By the end of the 19th century, Japan had transformed itself into a modern state. However, we have to take into account that Japan was always an expansionist country. During Meiji restoration, the education system in Japan trained children into Bushido (¨the spirit of the warriors¨) . The industrialization of Japan led to a rise in the military power. Japan soon got engaged in a war against Russian (1904-1905). The complete victory of Japanese forces was a surprise for world observers. Russia agreed to withdraw from the south on Manchuria and the control of Japan over Korea was recognized. Japan participated in the World War I in an alliance with Entente powers securing lanes in the Pacific Ocean against the German. As you can see Japan continued its expansionism policy. It was until the attack of Pear Habor in 1941 that the USA learned the bitter reality of Japanese policies.