Dear Granddaughter
I don't know if I would be alive when you read this letter, but I hope whenever you do get a chance to read this, you are in the best of health and in a happy place in life.
For everyone who lives, the world they live in is all the matters. However, soon when you look back at life, you understand that your place in the bigger picture is very small.
Humans come and go, but the world continues to do grow and move on. Each one of us, leave a mark on this world in some way or the other and it surely is a beautiful thing.
I was born in 1830, a time when believe it or not, there was no electricity, no telephones, radios, movies or even airplanes!
Now you might think I lived in a prehistoric place but we didn't look at it like that. In my own lifetime, man has made numerous strides and I am pretty sure you will see a lot of things in your life.
They say man might one day set foot on the moon. I am not sure if I would be able to see if but I sure hope you are able to! They say, in a few years, we might have small movie boxes in every home, where people would be able to watch films in their living rooms, never needing to go to a theater!
I am sure medical science will improve too in your lifetime, and you will have a far healthier life than I did.
However, I am sure, some things from my time will be missed. For example, my generation used to sleep early and wake up early. Since all we had were candles, there was no real entertainment at night and we just slept!
Also, communication was slow, we did not have telephones and the only real way of staying in touch was through mail. For me, it kinda meant all relationships were special!
However, remember, change, is usually and mostly good. Embrace change. There are numerous opportunities that will come your way, so never be afraid and live a happy, fulfilling life!
I wish you all the best my deal girl!
Love Always
Your Granddad