The answer is B 11/20
To transform a decimal to a fraction you must do the following:
1. Multiply by an specific power of 10 until your decimal becomes a whole number. In this case 0.55 we multiply by 10 ^2 or 100 and we obtain 55.
2 Divide the decimal by this same power of 10 so that you do not change the original value. For example
0.55 *(100/100) = 55/100 As you see Im multiplying and dividing by 100 ( thats equivalent to 1 so it doesnt change the original number)
3 Simplify the fraction
To simplify your fraction you must find the Greatest Common Factor of 55 and 100. For doing this, you only perform a prime factorization. Divide 55 and 100 by the smallest common prime factor, besides 1. (For this case is 5) until you arrive to two number without common prime factors.
55/5 = 11
100/5 = 20
As 11 and 20 have no common prime factors it is the most simplified fraction