Hello there!
Sometimes it is good to go on a diet for us. Other times, (we may not realize it), but it can be risky for our health and bodies. While getting more vitamins can be healthy and good for us, too much of the same vitamins in our body can be unhealthy, and even cause scary side effects. Do not be misled, the title “vitamin”, does not mean “use generously”. Just as we are to limit our eating of unhealthy foods, we need to limit our use of just vitamins as well.
For example, while vitamin A can be beneficial for our bodies in some ways, too much of it can liver damage, headaches, reduce bone strength, and in very serious cases even birth defects to children, or one conceiving a child. Yes, we need just enough to keep us healthy an active. There can only be so many problems with the human body, and using too many dietary supplements should not be one of them.
Hope this helps!