b. This finding is significant at the .05 level but not at the .01 level.c. This finding is significant at the .01 level but not at the .05 level
given that you conduct a twoÂsided hypothesis test for the difference between two means based on a matched pairs comparison between two data sets of size 15, and get a t value of 2.55.
Sample size = 15
Hence degrees of freedom= 15-1 =14
t statistic = 2.55
Let us find p value for this test statistic two tailed.
p value =0.023117
This p value <0.05. Hence at 5% significance level we reject H0
But for 1% level, we find p is greater than1% so at 1% level we accept H0.
b. This finding is significant at the .05 level but not at the .01 level.c. This finding is significant at the .01 level but not at the .05 level