The below program in c-language
int main()// main function
float a,b; //variable declaration //1
a=4.89,b=6.9;// assign the value//2
printf("%f",b/a);// statement to display the fraction value.//3
return 0;// return statement.
Step-by-step explanation:
The fraction value is a value that comes when a number is divided with another number. The description of the statement which used in the above program is as follows--
- Defined a"main" function that needs to starts the execution.
- Declare a two-variable "a" and "b" of type "float" and assign the value on its.
- This statement is used to display the fraction of value on the screen in which the "print()" function is used to display the value and "%f" is used to display the float type value and "b/a" is used to calculate the fraction.