The source (S) is the analogue that is given only among the premises. The target (T) is the analogue that the arguer is drawing a conclusion about; it will be found in both the analogy and the conclusion. The feature (F) is the characteristic of the source that the arguer is trying to prove is also a characteristic of the target.Question 7.7. (TCO 5) In Chapter 10, the authors discuss two methods for demonstrating that one event caused another. Name those methods, and briefly describe how each provides this demonstration of cause.(Points : 10)The methods of agreement and method of difference. In the methods of agreement, it is the study of the situations in which the effect occurred already exposed by the only one earlier event which are shared by all. Method of difference, it is evaluation of the situation in which the effect occurred and a situation in which the effect did not rise discovered that only one earlier event was exist in the first situation but it was not in second.
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