A reference frame is the position from which an event is observed
Step-by-step explanation:
In physics reference, frames or reference points are the positions where an observer is located and from that point can look at displacements, velocities accelerations of one or more bodies.
A classic example where this definition can be appreciated is some visitor to the airport who decides to travel along the airport treadmill in order not to continue walking, the speed of the band is 1 [m/s] at that time a child named Albert observes that a passenger urgently runs (3 m/s) through the same airport treadmill. The child located at a strategic point (frame of reference) observes that the passenger urgently moves at a total speed of (3 + 1) = 4 (m/s), while the person in the band sees the passanger approaching him at a speed of 3 (m/s). This demonstrates the use of reference frames.