The IUPAC name of the compound is 3-ethyl, 4-methyl, heptane.
Step-by-step explanation:
IUPAC stands for International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
An IUPAC name is a internationally used name of a compound with same name throughout the world. This compound is named according to the IUPAC rules with the following steps-
1. Identification of longest carbon chain.
2. Estimating the number of carbon in the longest carbon chain that is seven carbon means heptane.
3. The side chains are identified, that are branched off from the parent chain.
4. The parent chains is labelled from the side of nearest side chain.
5. The nearest side chain that is the third carbon contains ethyl as the side chain at 3 position of parent carbon. Thus, so named 3-ethyl.
6. The fourth carbon of parent chain contain a methyl group, thus named as 4-methyl.
The naming is based on the parent carbon chain and side chain naming are written first. Thus, the compound is 3-ethyl, 4-methyl, heptane.