For each of the following situations, identify the response variable and the populations to be compared, and give I, the ni, and N.
(a) A poultry farmer is interested in reducing the cholesterol level in his marketable eggs. He wants to compare two different cholesterol-lowering drugs added to the hen's standard diet as well as an all-vegetarian diet. He assigns 35 of his hens to each of the three treatments.
Response variable:
caloric intake
egg cholesterol level
diet cholesterol level
number of hens
number of marketable eggs laid
Populations: (Select all that apply.)
all eggs laid on a farm
hens on an all-vegetarian diet
all hens on a farm
hens on a standard diet and receiving one of two cholesterol-lowering drugs
eggs with different cholesterol levels
I =
n1 =
n2 =
n3 =
N =