Consider the following calculation
Step-by-step explanation:
Let Pi = units of product i produced
Max 25P1 + 28P2 + 30P3
1.5P1 + 3P2 + 2P3 = 450
2P1 + 1P2 + 2.5P3 = 350
.25P1 + .25P2 + .25P3 = 50
P1, P2, P3 = 0
b. The optimal solution is
P1 = 60
P2 = 80 Value = 5540
P3 = 60
This solution provides a profit of $5540.
c. Since the solution in part (b) calls for producing all three products, the total setup cost is
$1550 = $400 + $550 + $600.
Subtracting the total setup cost from the profit in part (b), we see that
Profit = $5540 - 1550 = $3990
d. We introduce a 0-1 variable yi
that is one if any quantity of product i is produced and zero
With the maximum production quantities provided by management, we obtain 3 new constraints:
P1 = 175y1
P2 = 150y2
P3 = 140y3
Bringing the variables to the left-hand side of the constraints, we obtain the following fixed charge
formulation of the Hart problem.
Max 25P1 + 28P2 + 30P3 - 400y1 - 550y2 - 600y3
1.5P1 + 3P2 + 2P3 = 450
2P1 + 1P2 + 2.5P3 = 350
.25P1 + .25P2 + .25P3 = 50
P1 - 175y1 = 0
P2 - 150y2 = 0
P3 - 140y3 = 0
P1, P2, P3 = 0; y1, y2, y3 = 0, 1
P1 = 100 y1 = 1
P2 = 100 y2 = 1 Value = 4350
P3 = 0 y3 = 0
The profit associated with this solution is $4350. This is an improvement of $360 over the solution in part (c).